error hibernate failed to lazily initialize a collection of role | java php laravel linux mysql sql bootstrap html css query java php laravel linux mysql sql bootstrap html css query: error hibernate failed to lazily initialize a collection of role

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

error hibernate failed to lazily initialize a collection of role

failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: com.ipi.bean.Dologs.DtldologsSet, no session or session was closed

q> Waw error ketika nambahin @OneToMany pada header Dologs

q> @ManyToOne
[sourcecode language="java"]
@JoinColumn(name="DTL_NO_DOLOG", referencedColumnName="HDR_NO_DOLOG", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private Dologs dologs;

q> Sebelumnya

[sourcecode language="java"]
private Set<TrioH100Dtldologs> dtlDologsSet;

q> Sesudah ditambahin fetch=FetchType.EAGER , error menghilang

[sourcecode language="java"]
private Set<TrioH100Dtldologs> dtlDologsSet;


  1. kalau mau pake lazy tinggal tambahin

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